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Student Aid Index (SAI)

The SAI (formerly known as EFC) is a measure of your family’s financial standing. It is calculated according to a formula established by law.

Most of the tax information used to calculate the SAI is transferred directly from the IRS into the FAFSA form if you provide your consent and approval. (Some FAFSA applicants may need to manually provide tax information.)

Please review our changes in finances page if you believe there has been significant changes in your financial circumstances.

Why is your Student Aid Index (SAI) important?

The SAI helps determine your federal student aid eligibility and financial aid award. It is used in determining the amount of Pell Grant and other federal need-based awards you can receive.

The formula to determine base need for federal awards is simply:

Cost of Attendance (COA) – Student Aid Index (SAI) = Financial Need

Note: Your SAI is not the amount of money your family will have to pay for college nor is it the amount of federal student aid you will receive. It is a number used to calculate the amount of federal student aid you are eligible to receive.

The need formula can vary for scholarship consideration.

How to view your SAI in your Student Center

  • Fill out a
  • Wait for email confirmation through your BroncoMail that a FAFSA has been received.
  • . (You may need to check your browser settings to allow pop-up screens.)
  • Go to your Student Center by selecting the Student Homepage tile.
  • Select the Financial Aid tile.
  • Select the appropriate aid year from the leftmost column on the View Financial Aid page.
  • Scroll down and select Budget, Resources and Need.
Budget, Resources and Need tab
  • Click on your Student Aid Index if not “0” to review the breakdown between you and your contributors.