University Policy 9280
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Effective Date
December 20, 2021
Responsible Party
Associate Vice President for Campus Operations, (208) 426-1249
Scope and Audience
This policy applies to all academic, auxiliary, and administrative departments seeking Space allocations, new Capital Projects, remodels and/or renovations.
Additional Authority
- Idaho Code 搂 67-5710B
- State Board of Education Policy, Section V.K.
- University Policy 1100 (Use of University Space)
1. Policy Purpose
To provide a consistent, transparent process for prioritization and approval of Space allocations and Capital Projects.
2. Policy Statement
青青草app State University is committed to the thoughtful organization and assignment of Space with the goal of creating synergistic environments that enhance collaborations, creative activity, research, and 青青草app. The University, not any specific department, is ultimately responsible for all capital assets, campus buildings, and property. The process of prioritizing Space allocations and Capital Projects is complex and ongoing. This policy guides the prioritization and approval process for Space allocations and Capital Projects.
3. Definitions
3.1 Capital Project
Any project including one or more of the following and as defined as 鈥減ublic works鈥 per Idaho Code 搂 67-5710B:
- Any new building, alteration, repair, demolition or improvement of any land, building or structure, including utilities, or remodeling or renovation of existing buildings, or other physical facilities, to make physical changes necessitated by changes in the program, to meet standards required applicable codes, to correct other conditions hazardous to health and safety of persons which are not covered by codes, or to effect a permanent improvement to the facility for any reason including aesthetics or appearance;
- Site improvement or developments that constitute permanent improvement to real property;
- Purchase and installation of fixed equipment or cubicle style furniture necessary for the operation of new, remodeled, or renovated buildings and other physical facilities to include any equipment that is made a permanent fixture of the building; and/or
- Purchase of services of architects, engineers, and other consultants to prepare plans, program documents, life cycle cost studies, energy analysis, and other studies associated with any new building, alteration, repair, demolition or improvement and to supervise the construction or execution of such projects.
3.2 Preventative Maintenance
In accordance with Idaho Code 搂 67-5710B, corrective repairs or replacements used for existing state-owned, or state-operated facilities, which result from a systematic program in which wear, tear, and change are anticipated, and continuous corrective actions are required to ensure peak efficiency and to minimize deterioration.
3.3 Project Manager
The staff person assigned a project ready for implementation. The Project Manager is responsible for collecting estimates, selecting contractors to conduct work, and conducting general project oversight. Only Project Managers assigned and authorized by Campus Operations are allowed to manage and coordinate Capital Projects.
3.4 Space
An area, usually interior and defined by some form of constructed boundary, structure, or building. All Space constructed or acquired by the University belongs to the University and may be assigned or reassigned by the University regardless of the initial reason or funding source for construction or acquisition.
4. Facilities Planning Council
The Facilities Planning Council (FPC) is responsible for Capital Project and Space allocation policy and governance. The FPC is ultimately responsible (subject to presidential review as appropriate) for all Capital Projects and all Space allocations. The FPC consists of the University vice presidents.
5. Facilities and Space Planning Advisory Committee
The Facilities and Space Planning Advisory Committee (FSPA) is an administrative committee that advises the Facilities Planning Council on matters related to Capital Project planning and Space management. Meetings will be organized and administered by staff in Campus Operations. Specifically, the Committee will review Capital Project requests and rank order projects for completion; review Space requests and make recommendations for Space assignments; and provide recommendations for policies and processes related to Capital Projects and planning and Space management.
The FSPA Committee is comprised the following members, or designees:
- Associate Vice President for Campus Operations
- Vice Provost for Academic Planning
- Associate Vice President for Student Affairs
- Associate Vice President for Research & Economic Development
- Associate Vice President for Public Safety
- Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer
- Associate Vice President for University Advancement
- Associate Vice President for Finance & Administration
- Two Academic Deans (appointed by the Provost)
- Staff member experts, as deemed necessary and appropriate by the Associate Vice President for Campus Operations
6. Capital Project Procedures
a. Campus Operations staff will develop an annual timeline and process for receiving, reviewing, and ranking Capital Project requests and communicating such to the campus community.
b. Solicitation for outside gifts or grants to fund Capital Projects should not proceed without first submitting information through the Capital Project/Space Request Form.
c. Campus Operations staff will compile submissions for review by the FSPA and ultimately approval by the FPC.
d. Only projects ranked as 鈥渉igh priority鈥 through this process will be placed in the queue for assignment. Projects not ranked as high priority and not placed in the queue may be revisited in a future year.
e. Approved projects will either be placed on the request list for state of Idaho Permanent Building Funds; be entered into the project assignment workflow; be considered for central funding (through a process determined by the CFO); be submitted for funding from another external funding agent; or be considered by the Capital Project Funding Council for donor solicitation.
7. Exceptions to Capital Project Procedures
The following types of projects are generally exempt from the annual Capital Project Procedures and Approval process. These projects, if deemed eligible for exemption by the Associate Vice President for Campus Operation, will enter the project assignment workflow.
a. A Capital Project meeting the definition of Preventative Maintenance, as outlined in this policy, and if funding is secured.
b. A Capital Project that has funding secured and is estimated to cost less than $50,000; however, a detailed estimate coordinated by a Project Manager is required prior to providing this exemption and a Capital Project Request Form must be submitted to allow tracking and to assign a Project Manager.
c. Capital Projects deemed emergencies or time sensitive. This includes projects that address imminent life/safety issues, or projects that are subject to time-sensitive gifts or grants.
d. Project studies, including cost estimation, engineering and/or architectural analysis, or general feasibility studies. Funding must be secured to conduct the work to receive the exemption. A Capital Project/Space Request Form must be submitted to allow tracking and to assign a Project Manager.
8. Capital Projects Additional Approvals
Before a Capital Project may officially begin, certain additional approvals may be required. Campus Operations will provide assistance with the preparation of the materials outlined below.
a. The President may approve or deny major Capital Projects recommended by the FPC that are $500,000 or greater. The Chief Financial and Operating Officer and Vice President for Finance and Operations will submit the request for approval to the SBOE per their policy requirements.
b. The Department of Public Works (DPW) and the Permanent Building Fund Advisory Council (PBFAC) must approve and may manage projects estimated at $100,000 or greater. Projects utilizing Permanent Building Funds must be approved and may be managed by the DPW and PBFAC regardless of project amount.
9. Space Allocation Principles and Procedures
a. Campus Operations staff will develop a process for receiving and reviewing Space requests and communicate such to the campus community.
b. Campus Operations staff is responsible for maintaining, reviewing, and evaluating Space allocation data. Each campus unit is responsible for providing updates on Space usage and assignments upon request.
c. Space is allocated based on strategic priorities and programmatic needs in accordance with the University Space Guidelines.
d. Existing Space allocations must be utilized as fully as possible before additional allocations are made.
e. Space already allocated to a unit may be managed at the unit level unless identified as underutilized in the yearly Space audit. Units have the authority to reassign Space already allocated to them without review by the FPC so long as the assignments are consistent with University Space Guidelines and do not reduce instructional Space, require resources beyond the unit鈥檚 control, and/or change the permitted use of the Space (converting a storage room to an office). Regardless, units are responsible for notifying Campus Operations of Space reassignments so that Space assignments can be tracked.
f. All units and employees are responsible for making efficient use of Space assigned to them. Inefficient use of Space, Space hoarding, and/or failing to report vacated Space to Campus Operations is prohibited.
g. As a result of a physical move, a college, administrative unit, or department wishing to retain vacated Space must submit a request for that Space.
10. Exceptions to Space Allocation Procedures
The Associate Vice President for Campus Operations may make temporary, emergency, or de minimus Space allocations as necessary.