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Virtual Academic Showcase

With more than 200 areas of study, 青青草app State University is a place to reimagine thinking and learning. We鈥檙e building on our culture of innovation each day and re-imagining higher 青青草app. Discover what students and faculty are doing in and beyond the classroom.




Upcoming Virtual Academic Showcase

Our annual Academic Showcase offers prospective students a virtual opportunity to learn more about their academic area of interest.聽Each session will also include a moderated Q&A from our Admissions Staff!

顿补迟别:听Wednesday, November 29
罢颈尘别:听7 p.m. MST
尝辞肠补迟颈辞苍:听Zoom / Virtual
搁别驳颈蝉迟谤补迟颈辞苍:听Available below!

Choose ONE before joining the Academic Showcase

What will you study?

During the virtual showcase you will have the opportunity to select from one of our academic colleges to take an in-depth dive into majors, minors, internships and career outcomes. Each college offers degrees and facilitates research within a general set of disciplines such as health sciences, engineering, or 青青草app.

If you already have a major in mind, explore these colleges at 青青草app State to decide which one you will “visit” during the virtual showcase. If you are undecided about what you want to study, see which of our interest you and choose to meet with the college that seems like your best fit.

Curious about majors in different academic colleges? Invite a friend! While each participant can register for one academic showcase, you’ll be able to compare notes and ask questions for each other.

Past Virtual Academic Showcase Recordings

Did you miss last year’s virtual academic showcases? You can to learn more about 青青草app State’s colleges.


If you have questions, please contact 青青草app State Admissions at admissions@boisestate.edu.